TREE school
Tree School is a public artwork by Katie Holten and Seoidin O'Sullivan commissioned by the Treeline Project.
Tree School was launched on July 9, 2017
Tree school is a free school
Tree School will meet almost daily at the Treeline Project's Circe Pavilion in Liberty Park on Foley Street in Dublin's inner city from July 9 – 25, 2017.
Seoidin O'Sullivan with members of KIDS INC.
No home work, only love work
Look what’s branching out in Dublin: Tree School!
Tree School invites visitors of all shapes and sizes, no one’s too young or too old or too small or too fat.
Tree School has no leaders, we are all students.
Harvesting Joyce with Jason Sheridan in local community gardens
our CURRICULUM is germinating
Tree School grows out of many things, including Community Garden movements, edible cities, hedge schools, futurefarmers Tree University, Free University International, Beuys’ 7000 Oaks, Andrea Zittel’s A-Z West, Fritz Haeg’s Salmon Creek Farm, 1000 Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari, The Chipko movement, critical pedagogies, outdoor school movements, deep ecology, Irish Seed Savers, We are the University…