All images © Katie Holten, 2021


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Katie Holten declares a Climate and Ecological Emergency. By joining CULTURE DECLARES EMERGENCY, she pledges to work with and support our community and local government in tackling this Emergency, and calls on others to do the same. It’s apparent now that our systemic problems stem from a failure of imagination. Somewhere along the way, we’ve forgotten to listen to the land, forgotten to listen to our old stories. Katie Holten believes we need to remember and reconnect with our local landscapes, reach backwards through time so we can find a meaningful way forward. We need to embrace our non-human neighbours. Isn’t it about time that our stories consciously embrace other species? Why are our books full of humans when the world is teeming with so many other creatures? Why is it taking us so long to get over the myth of human supremacy?

Katie Holten has made the Fossil Funds Free commitment: She does not take any oil, coal, or gas corporate sponsorship for her cultural work. And she calls on her peers and institutional partners to refuse fossil fuel funding too.