LOVE LETTERS, Leitrim SCulpture Center, Ireland
June 28 - July 20, 2019
"Love Letters" continues Holten’s exploration of the entangled relationship between Humans and Nature through language and the creation of new alphabetical planting palettes. The audience is invited to write love letters with Holten’s new fonts and exhibit them in the exhibition. Other new works include a series of drawings based on the ancient Ogham alphabet and another on the flight of Swifts, whilst Stone Alphabet (2016-ongoing) is an infinite series of drawings made with graphite, ink, stone and water. These alphabet projects start from a simple premise: Can we create a language beyond the Human? Holten believes there are ‘unconscious alphabets’ all around us waiting to be discovered. A recurring theme in all these conversations is the need for new stories — for ourselves, for our communities, and for our species, in order to address local as well as global problems, to engage in action, and to negotiate change.
More info here.