Katie Holten: The Golden Bough, Dublin city gallery the hugh lane, ireland
January 28 - April 2, 2010
Click here for more info on the museum website.
Katie Holten combines drawing, sculpture and text for her Golden Bough installation sited in gallery 8 at Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane. This new work continues her exploration and ongoing interest in organic processes and in the relationship between drawing and object.
The Golden Bough (installtion view), 2010. Indian ink on twig. Photo Denis Mortell.
The Golden Bough (detail), 2010. Indian ink, newspaper and white tack on twigs, with painted wall. Photo Denis Mortell.
The Golden Bough (left: Book cover right: The the), 2010. Book jacket, newspaper, white tack and Indian ink on twigs and painted wall. Photo Denis Mortell.
The Golden Bough (Table, detail), 2010. Postcard, pages from The Golden Bough, drawings on paper, and found objects.